
Can't find a solution here, still need help, or have a question?  Click the Help link on the Canvas login page or if you are having trouble inside Canvas, go to the page/item where you are having the problem 和 click Help, 报告问题.  Please allow one business day for a response. 

Canvas course shells are made available to faculty according to the following schedule:

  1. Summer Courses: March 1
  2. 秋季课程:5月1日
  3. 春季课程:11月. 1

If you are just starting with Canvas, you might want to take a look at the full Canvas Documentation.  Or, if you just need to find a quick answer, these are the most commonly asked questions we see.  

Common Canvas Course Setup Tasks

First Steps in Canvas

Create Course Materials

使用 Microsoft Office Features



Working with Publisher Tools

Make Your Course Available To Students